Whether you worked in the earliest days of the 43rd Administration or sprinted to the finish in January 2009, you know a thing or two about serving the grand ideals and exceptional people of our country. Together we saw compassion in action, strength on display and the steady leadership of a true statesman who inspired us to meet some of America’s greatest challenges.
We knew pundits and historians would measure the work we did each day – whether big or small – and that there was a solemn responsibility to do our jobs well on behalf of the American people.
In July 2020, another task stood before us. This one asked many of us to set aside partisanship in service, once again, to a country we love.
Having witnessed far too many days filled with chaos emanating from the highest levels of government, we knew it was time to take a stand.
Former colleagues and friends from both sides of the aisle joined together and began to put our experience to work. As our former boss said, “Leadership to me means duty, honor, country.”
Bound by our shared work experience and a belief in a brighter tomorrow, we endorsed Joe Biden for President and Kamala Harris for Vice President to restore leadership, honor, integrity and empathy to the White House.
Political differences may remain among us, but we look forward to remaining engaged in political debate through civil, honest and robust policy discussions.

Karen Kirksey, PAC Director 2000 Campaign, USDA John Farner Kristopher Purcell Michael G. Brown Abel Guerra Genevieve Woodard Hartley † |
Todd Ferrara AgricultureKelly Ganzberger RNC, White House Jennifer Millikin David Almacy Michael Turk Serenety Hanley |
† = Deceased
What is the mission of 43 Alumni for America?
We originally formed in July 2020 to unite and mobilize a community of historically Republican voters who were dismayed and disappointed by the damage done to our nation by Donald Trump’s presidency. Since the election of Joe Biden as the next President of the United States, our advocacy efforts will focus on engaging citizens with shared concerns about the future of our country while promoting honor, integrity and empathy among our nation’s elected officials.
Do you represent the views of all 43 Alumni?
43 Alumni for America consists of a group of people who served in the 43rd Administration, however, we only represent the views of those who choose to support our objectives. We respect that everyone is entitled to their own individual opinions and we remain thankful that we live in a country that values liberty and protects those freedoms.
Is President Bush involved in your efforts?
President George W. Bush has publicly indicated that he is retired from politics. Our efforts are completely separate and in no way related to the former president, the Bush-Cheney Alumni Association or the Bush Center in Dallas, Texas. We have been in contact with President Bush’s office and they are aware of our activities. Many of us are inspired by his leadership and his family’s commitment to public service which compelled us to remain actively engaged in the political process today.
Do I have to be an alumnus of the 43rd Administration to join or donate?
43 Alumni for America was formed and organized by a group of alumni from the 43rd Administration but we welcome the participation and support from family, friends, colleagues, political allies and others who believe in our mission.
Are you raising money through contributions?
Yes, 43 Alumni for America is a registered Political Action Committee formed and led by volunteers to engage citizens in political discourse. No Bush alumni or family members participating in this organization will receive any compensation for their work.