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Principles matter more than politics. That’s why we, a group of alumni who served President Bush, and other Republican presidents, governors, and Members of Congress, support Joe Biden for President.

Join us and our former Republican colleagues in casting your vote for Joe Biden on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020. Together, we can help restore decency, honor, dignity, and true leadership to the White House.

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43A4A Statement on the Indictment of Donald Trump for Charges Related to the 1/6 Insurrection

Actions have consequences. Donald J. Trump has rightly been indicted by a federal Grand Jury ...
43 Alumni for America News

43A4A Statement on Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential Announcement

We believe in honoring the principles of the United States Constitution, respecting the rule of ...

43A4A Statement on the Anniversary of the 1/6 Insurrection

Today, we mark the one-year anniversary of the January 6th insurrection – one of the ...

Anti-Trump Republicans Urge GOP Voters to Back Democrats in 2022

A number of prominent GOP officials publicly opposed the reelection of Trump in 2020 and ...
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From now until Election Day, join the most exciting race we take every four years. The time is now to do the work it takes to elect Joe Biden the next president of the United States. Sign up for updates delivered to your inbox.